Our missions by your side

Selling business

Selling your business is a complex operation that requires reflection, analysis and strategy. Arcéane supports you at every stage in order to successfully complete this project and establish a real win-win relationship.

I want to sell a business

Buying business

Buying a business requires in-depth know­ledge of negotiation. Our consulting firm is the interface between the transferor and you and we coordinate your legal, accounting, tax, asset advice, etc.

I want to buy a business


During a fundraising mission, Arcéane selects, with you, the investors most likely to finance you, whether at the regional, national or international level. Our goal is to make your project a success.

I want to raise funds

Whatever your project is, transfer, acquisition, etc., it will be very important that you feel supported in each step of the process. At Arcéane, we put people at the center of our business and offer you fully personalized support. We work with you as a team to bring your project to a successful conclusion.

En savoir plus sur nos missions

Who are we?

We are always here for you, with the advice you need.

Our team is exclusively made up of consultant-negotiators and business managers, which allows us to provide a global analytical vision.

Your project is handled and brought to completion by a pair of senior consultants, to act with greater intelligence and speed.

National coverage

Our independent sales and acquisition firm is located in Île-de-France, in the in Hauts-de-France, Rhône-Alpes, Grand-Ouest and Aquitaine regions, and covers the national territory.

We travel throughout France in order to find the best target and the best investor, the company that suits you, a project that suits you.

Our geographic coverage and our network give us access to targets not only in France, but also throughout the world thanks to our worldwide network GCG, because your best counterpart is not necessarily a few kilometers from home.

The assurance of a successful operation!

<p>Cities in which an Arcéane consultant is present</p>

Our consultants



06 23 41 26 27



06 07 22 76 79



06 22 36 18 12



06 11 41 37 26



06 61 98 12 20



06 08 16 05 28

Nouvelle Aquitaine


06 27 47 85 15



06 07 79 53 80



07 69 10 23 67



06 78 31 43 13



06 28 83 04 29

Learn more about us

Arcéane, your expert partner in IT and M&A for your success

We combine technical, financial and entrepreneurial skills to provide you with dedicated advice for managers, shareholders and buyers of SMEs in IT sector.

Learn more about our Tech expertise

Arcéane in a few figures

1 to 30 M€ turnover



carried out transactions

more than 15

senior consultants

more than 25

years of experience

They trusted us

Gérant Mapivi

« I greatly appreciated Arcéane’s ability to mobilize at each key stage of the recovery. During the negotiations, I was impressed by the support and commitment of the team! »

Christophe Chaillot

Gérant Mapivi

Dirigeant-cédant de Point-Virgule

« The Arcéane team perfectly met my expectations and I particularly appreciated the support as well as the quality of our relationships throughout the mission. »

Hugues Mahieux

Dirigeant-cédant de Point-Virgule


« What we appreciated from the Arcéane team was their good listening skills, availability, understanding of our sector of activity as well as the proximity necessary for the success of such a project. »

Jean Dionnet


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Contact us

Please fill the form below to request a callback. We would be happy to tell you more about the way we can work together.